Dirty Harry!
Who most liberally makes use of parenthesis?
Dirty Harry!"
Wow. I haven't posted in a mad minute! So long I felt I needed a little theme song to usher me back in...Truth is, I ran out of cap like a day after I promised the pencil updates! That's what you get when your eyes are bigger than your stomach... or in this case data bundle, I suppose.
Anyway I got a lot to get through so let's get into it before the analogies get any more painful:
I originally intended this guy to be a Spanish swordsman (hence the curly hair and the SWORD), but then that hat happened, and he was from then on dubbed the Creepy Magician. It kinda works, methinks. Yes, I did another same-picture-but-with-variations thing, except this time I thought the variations could be a little more exploratory than a f*king line! Don't get me wrong, I love the line,but it's time to move on to bigger, better and more colourful things now... Hopefully those magic dust balls (or whatever) didn't completely ruin the picture... I seriouslsy worked hard on them... Sort of...
Next we have the super badass Blue Dude! I don't know what it is, but there's something about red sneakers... Anyway, I tried to give the character a little bit more of a dynamic pose than the previous one because... well because i got bored! But I learned that it doesn't always work as I find it's better to familiarise yourself with a character first before diving into poses. This image marks the first drawing where I was at ease around the gradient tool, so much so that In used it on EVERYTHING! And now I love using gradients! You can't pay me enough to stop using them (Well you probably could, but I think you get what I'm shaying (sic))! Also, I started playing around with filters a bit. You can't really tell right away, but if you where to look closer you'll notice I used a canvas filter on it, with the intension of adding a little more depth and tightness to the image. Hopefully you can pick up a little of that in there...
And this would be a... zombie... Pirate-clown...?? I dunno! But I do know that it's probably my favourite pic so far. I find I'm finally settling into a colouring style that I'm comfortable with. Speaking of colouring, though, is it just me , or is purple quite a difficult colour to compliment. By that, I mean that there's relatively very little you can do with it. Sure, there's yellow (complementary colour. subtle difference), and green and orange kinda work sometimes, but overall it feels very restricting to me as everything I end up colouring with purple as a key colour inevitably ends up reminding me of the Joker or the Green Goblin! Ironically, my frustration hasn't prevented me from using it so often (perhaps I use it because it's so restricting, instead of in spite of the fact, in an effort to conquer it).
Lastly (No! Say it ain't so!), I have this unremarkable hulk. Y'know, I really wanted to colour all these characters in chronological order, but due to all sorts of scanner mishaps (I don't care how desperate I get, there's no way I'm paying R5 a scan!), different sketchbooks were sent at different times and so now I just colour the ones I'm in the mood for. Hopefully, there isn't too big a gap in quality between the older and newer sketches. I know I cut a few corners in the beginning as I was settling into a style. At any rate, about the image: As I said before I've gotten quite comfortable with muh colouring(justifiably so, I hope). And with comfort comes an ease in exploration (at least, that's the case with me). As a result, a lot of the shadows and cloth folds were added in Photoshop, something I wouldn't have been comfortable with doing a few weeks ago. It's not exactly a gravity-defying leap, but... Progress. Yay.
Anyway, since I originally intended this to be a Christmas special, or whatever (I obviously missed that deadline!), I thought I should at least attempt to tie some sort of festive message in at the end. So to anyone who still reads this blog, thank you for sticking with it, I hope ya'll enjoyed it so far 'cause there's plenty more to come (in the near-ish future) and I hope you had a Merry Christmas... There. That wasn't at all contrived.