Hello folk(s)! It's me again. Rather than state how long it's been, I've concluded that it's best I just get right into it it as I've come to realise how incredibly predictable I've become in my inconsistency (if that makes any sense). So, without any further preamblry(?), let's get into it.
I've got loads of FuZioN U stuff to present for this entry (as I'd promised over a month ago) and a little extra something on the side as well. First the FuZioN U stuff:
As the accompanying text suggests this is Merlin Hawke(stupid name, I know, but I was like 14 when I came up with most of these guys), TJ's mentor and one of the few entirely fictional characters in the story. Actually that's not entirely true, because even he's partially based on real life figure, although not in the same way as the rest of the cast. See, in it's original incarnation, the TJ FuZioN story was a (supposedly) humorous re-imagining of my life in High school, with some bizarre Sci-Fi and Fantasy elements thrown in. I had Pokemon-like monsters, aliens, hoverboards and Necronauts (more on that later) thrown into the world alongside all the high school drama, with the focus being mainly on the drama. Then in Grade 9 (if memory serves correctly) I started writing/informally mapping out TJ FuZioN and the Legend of the Superbeing(more on that later) in an attempt to canonize and organise all the stuff I had referenced in the comics and all the stuff I had floating around in my head (which, incidently, is what planted the seed of this incredible mess I'm working on today). In the story, Merlin Hawke was the main villain, who had orchestrated some insane scheme involving TJ and Strike and an ancient prophecy. So this time around, I've retooled the story and revamped a lot of the characters' roles in it but most of the supporting characters in the story are still based on people I knew in high school in some way or another. HOWEVER in Merlin's case, when redesigning him, I decided to base his character's appearance partially on Hugh Laurie, mainly because... Dr. House kicks ass. Also, while in the original story his was personality was more like Dr. Tenma's from the 2004 (?) Astro Boy TV show (since they actually had very similar roles as characters. Both were insane but brilliant scientists who were guiding the protagonist towards some dark destiny... The parallel was completely unintentional of course!) while this time I plan on making him a lot warmer and more eccentric than insane, but nonetheless brilliant. His stern face and scowl is meant to directly contradict his personality and will be the source of many-a-humorous moment. I should say though that this isn't his absolute final appearance. This was just the image that really added direction to his character. I just want to involve ya'll in the process as much as possible. And yes. This long-winded explanation was completely necessary.
Speaking of supporting characters...
Yay! It's TJ's best Friend Pete! He mainly plays the role of a sympathetic ear for TJ. As with the majority of the cast, he's based on one of muh good friends from High School. If he's not with With TJ he's mysteriously disappeared to god-knows-where. Rumour has it that Pete may in fact be Whiteriver's local Superhero, the Black Arachnid...
Up next, we have...
Good ol' TJ, along with the H.A.W.K.E Industries (I'm not even thinking of explaining this just yet) logo. I must say that I really like finally seeing TJ in "The Red Jacket". I've pictured him in it for years and have never gotten to actually drawing him in it. So this is a "finally!" type moment for me. That aside though, I'm not 100% pleased with the image, or rather, with the limitations of my Photoshop skills. The logo still looks too... Vector-like, for muh liking. Watchagonnado?
And it's TJ again. This time with... A sword?!? Actually, the sword would take too long to explain fully as it's so closely tied to the story I'd have to explain all of that first (which, as you've probably picked up from my first picture discussion, is fairly complex). What I will say is that it's sort of like a cross between the Subtle knife and... Frodo's sword.... But not quite! At this point my Photoshop skills and my drawing style were starting to go in the direction I wanted them to. Hopefully it's as impressive as I think it is. Shout out to the Green Lantern. I am absolutely dreading the movie.
I think that's enough FuZioN U for now. I still have plenty more, but I shall save that for another occasion. Right now I think it's time for that little extra something I was promising.
I call it The Death of Wolfboy, a piece from my "Weirdmo Backgrounds" phase. I know this isn't really a new image but I hadn't talked about it on the blog yet. It's actually based on the concept of the powerlessness of men against women in relationships. I'm sure it's not that difficult to interpret. I posted it as more of a testament to how much my drawing style has changed over the past 6 months or so, since I started on this quest to nurture my passion. In some ways I've gotten worse, I'll admit, because I'm basically relearning how I draw. My aim has been to develop solid technique in my art, rather than it just being so intuitive all the time, because I've always felt lucky every time I'd get something right on the page, without any idea how I actually did it. Now I'm a lot more conscious and a lot more deliberate with my lines, hopefully for the better. Even these images that I've posted in this entry- which are already several months old- are significantly different from the ones I've recently completed. Hopefully I'll come full-circle soon enough and successfully marry the skill and the intuition. And yes. This long-ass paragraph was completely necessary.
And with that, I'm out. I'd rather not promise anything because, I probably won't deliver it on time anyway. Now off the insomniac goes to meditate to some St. Vincent and add a few pages to my visual diary. One day, my body will catch up to my mind, and then I'll be alright.