Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Return

Yo. Just thought I'd add in another quick drawing. Y'know. Striking while the iron's hot, and all that. This late night lurking's becoming more productive by the day. And I'm liking it! Hope ya'll are too (whomever "ya'll" may happen to be)...

That's right! Good old lovable TJ is back! In his classic incarnation! Red, white 'n me, baby! As some of you may know (and by some,of course, I am referring to approximately... ONE of you) this guy is a character I created back when I was 12... 13ish (God,when was Happy Acres??) and is my cartoon alter ego. TJ FuZioN. (I know) I haven't drawn him in a while. At least not like this, anyway. (Curse you, Dirty Harry persona!) So this image marks his triumphant return. In colour! 

While we're at it, I think I promised an explanation for the whole "FZN" signature. At this point it should be obvious, but I'll spell it out anyway. This character, TJ FuZioN, who happens to be my cartoon alter ego, became a moniker of mine throughout high-school (Until that wretched Dirty Harry came along) so I would sign my drawings with the abbreviated version of "his" surname. The letters "F","Z" and "N"... Eh? Eh?!(That wasn't patronising at all!)

Not the most detailed or intricate of drawings,but I thought some might get a kick out of the "cuteness factor" and the little back story that came with it... I know I did!  Yep...So there you have it.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Like a Back-Scratcher...

I'm back at ya! That's a little Lupe for ya. I'm not sure I got  it right,though... But I'm back none the less. Incorrect quoting and all. I been trying to get this out for a while but it's been difficult this week,what with my internet acting up and crazy komodo dragon-related emergencies... (Excuses. Excuses) Even with all that, I   got around to finishing my next "piece" and posting it for all to see. 

This isn't it! But this is where I started. Last year somewhere. (I really need to use some more current images!) So I scanned went to work on it with a little Illustrator magic and...

Yep. A little better,if I do say so myself. (Which,of course I do!) This was a lot quicker than the last time. I've refined a coupla techniques and learnt even more this time, but I'm still still not quick enough! I'm getting there, though...You may have noticed (but probably not) that I scribbled "War"  next to the original pencil sketch. That's because this is my version of the Horseman War.

That mask with the phallic nose is a Japanese Tengu mask. Tengu are fighting demons apparently descended from birds, hence the connection with War, and also the birdskull attached to his sword. The green thing is one of those bath tokens from Spirited Away. Except it's green whereas the ones in Spirited Away are red. (in case you were wondering!) Don't ask me why! Maybe the Horseman of War spends his time off at the Bath house from Spirited Away. And has a special "platinum" token... I don't know!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Back For the 1st Time!

I call her Scissorgirl. No she's not a lesbian! Just a girl holding a pair of scissors. I drew this sometime last year and I'd been planning to do a painting of it... Yeah. I didn't get around to it! However, I did end up making a vector sketch on Illustrator. Is that what they call them? Vector sketches? Well, that's what Ima call them from now on! Anyhow, here it is:

TADAAA! Yeah...It's not that impressive, and it took a hell of a lot longer than it should've, but there it is. (I say that A LOT!) I did learn a quite a bit doing this, though. I'm a lot more efficient and organised now. (I like think so,anyway)

About the picture: There's a lot of subtle symbolism in it. She's female. And she's holding barber scissors. Her eyes and hair glare(?) and overall body have a "digital" feel to them... I don't want spell anything out but those elements all intentionally reveal details about the meaning of this seemingly random picture...

Oh. And the markings on the bottom right are meant to be the letters "F","Z" and "N"... Which is what I always sign my pictures with... Which is a self-made abbreviation of FuZioN... Which is another explanation all together! For now just go with it. 

And finally: I just have to openly admit (before it comes back to bite me in the rear) that the design for the FZN signature you see before you was TOTALLY stolen from the artist Red Bear, who is an absolute genius and an inspiration! I just hope he comes out with something soon! At any rate, I'm done for now. Dirty. Out.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

1st. Pic. Ever.

Well,not really. It's not only NOT the 1st pic ever, it's not even the 1st pic I've done! (...Very lame joke I know). But this picture features 2 characters from a series/universe type deal that I've been working on since I was 13. It's nothing solid yet (obviously!) but the characters and stories are pretty much set. (talk about contradicting yourself!)

The guy at the top is called Malik and the dude with the red jacket and wings is called Raziel... No, not like the guy from Soul Reaver! I'll have you know that Raziel is a pretty common name where I'm from... It's like... John... or Mustafa... Hopefully you'll be seeing plenty more pics of them. They're not the main characters but they do play a big part in the story... And they're twins... Sort of.

ANYWAY, the picture itself was done with a mixture of black and red ink (for the characters) and guache paints (for the very plain background). And there it is.

To ANYBODY Out There...

I've Finally started a blog! I't's pretty crappy at the moment, and it needs a LOT of work... But I finally ddi it! And I'm pretty psyched about it! What's this blog all about, you ask? Well about drawing mostly... I'm going to post up just about everything I do over here... For... People to look at... And I;m gonna talk about it... Pretty straightforward, I think... So this is it!