Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Watchu Want Me to Do?! I'm Sorry!"

So. Yeah... I'm back on muh grizzle.  I've actually been quite busy over this little hiatus, creating some self-proclaimed works of art.  I've got some old, some new and all FuZioN. So without further ado...

First let's get the old out the way.  I don't know how I missed uploading this one earlier, but:

Yeah this is one of the last character designs I completed in 2010, before I was engulfed by all that FuZioN madness.  It's been so long I honestly can't remember anything noteworthy or even any remotely humerous anecdotes about it!  I know I did have a bit of trouble with the colour scheme (quite honestly, I'm still slightly peturbed by it).  It, along with a slew of other images, forms part of collective that chronicle my quest to conquer purple!  SO frustrating, that colour...

And now for something a little more adventurous:

Yeah boi!  A personal best, methinks. It took longer than I can even remember, but so worth it.  I was initially absolutely daunted by the notion of such an undertaking (as this is my first fully coloured environment, not only on Photoshop, but EVER!), but about halfway into it it seemed more and more and more like something doable.  A lot of Burn and Dodge Tool usage on this one... More than I ever thought I'd ever thought I'd use and I gotta say:  Their kinda awesome!  And now I love the Burn and Dodge tools! I can't get enough of them!  You can't pay enough to stop! (Well you probably could but... Woah. Deja Vu!)  I can't really get into the specifics of it right now (because as you well know, the TJ FuZioN storyline is a highly sought after secret), but this image, as random as it initially was(I just wanted to draw TJ doing something dope), marked the turning point in the construction of the FuZioN Universe and inspired an idea so cool I dare not speak of it until you can buy the 2nd volume of TJ FuZioN IN STORES! That's right! You read correctly!

Now that I've got that out the way, (Who knew art could breed such narcissism?) it's on to the next one (that's one too many Jay-Z references):

This picture is, without a doubt, completely random.  I don't know what it is that TJ is looking for through all those papers or why that perspective-bending sign is there, so don't ask.  I actually drew this before the above image (hence, a less complete environment) but I completed the other one first and so here we are. I really enjoy drawing TJ and Strike doing stuff together but I never know what to make them do! And this is the result, I guess. I should also mention that I've recently made a conscious decision to include a lot more texures and overlays to my work (as I have done in this image).  I've mostly only been using them on backgrounds and  "screens", but I'd like to eventually get around to using them on items and environments more...

Aaaaand I think here's a good place to stop.  I'm sorry but, I think this is plenty to get through for now.  Rest assured, I could go on for double this amount and still have images to spare, but I'd like to pace myself... and my hands are tired (it's that carpal tunnel settling in)!  I'm still on the hunt for a reliable A3 scanner (If anyone has a hook up, please do let me know), but don't think that'll deter me from getting all this slghtly-above-averageness to you.  For now, I'm out. Hope ya'll enjoyed. 

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